Springtime Health Conditions That Our Pets May Encounter

A great deal of people consider spring an excellent season. Wintertime has ended, and things are looking a lot more colorful compared to the dark and bleak wintertime. However, springtime brings some undesirable things to our pets that we fail to see. This season brings health hazards to the pets we keep, and we need to recognize these health threats.

Seasons present some concerns when it pertains to pet health, but springtime is a lot more significant. The environmental conditions that this season brings are additionally conducive to some other pets that can be considered pests. Having the ability to recognize these pet health threats could be an advantage.

What We Have to Look Out for in Springtime

Pet owners ought to think about the conditions that springtime presents. These conditions are perfect for certain parasites to breed, pests to increase in number, and irritants to proliferate. It is essential to note that problems that this particular season presents might have serious consequences on pet health that may need a 24 hour vet in New Iberia.

These concerns may lead to hospitalization and costly treatments. We need to be responsible and careful with the pets we keep. Every pet owner does not want their pet dog to deal with these issues. Having the ability to recognize these threats is a benefit for our pets and ourselves. If you are interested in what issues that springtime presents, here are some diseases that you ought to be aware of;


Leptospirosis is a disease that is commonly brought by rodents. These pests can infect other pets through their urine. Their urine can be in puddles, the dirt, your pet dog’s bedding, water, or food. Our pets might be infected when they have cuts, scratches, or their mucous membrane where the leptospirosis bacteria can enter. This condition could affect their internal organs and could be lethal if medical attention is not quickly sought. Expensive treatments may be the answer why consider a pet wellness plan.


Irritants are common in spring. Our pets can also be affected by the pollen released by trees. Our pets might have itchiness, coughing, diarrhea, swelling of their face, and sneezing. These symptoms can be remedied in your home; however, we need to very closely observe our pets as they may develop serious conditions that only a vet can resolve. You can also find out more online.

Ear Infection

Springtime weather can additionally bring specific issues that a lot of pet owners overlook. The humidity can trigger ear infections in our pets. The moisture that has accumulated on our pet’s ears can have bacterial growth when uncontrolled. This bacterial growth triggers ear infections that may be painful and need medication to solve.

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are parasites that become more active in springtime. They reproduce a lot more effectively in these conditions and make the possibility of your pet getting these parasites higher. In these cases, preventative measures have to be taken; however, severe cases might need vet help.


Spring may be an excellent season for us, but our pets might view it in a different way. This season presents some hazards to pet health. We need to be aware of what these threats are so we can take preventive measures and spare our pets from these negative experiences.