What You Need to Know About Veterinary Internal Medicine
Just as your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist for a specific issue or a specialized test, your family veterinarian may consult with a veterinary specialist to diagnose and treat certain conditions in your pet. Internal Medicine is a department of medicine that deals with the internal Veterinary specialists, or internists, contributing to a better understanding of illnesses affecting an animal’s internal systems by acquiring as much information as possible through medical history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests, and imaging studies.
What is a specialist in veterinary internal medicine?
A certified specialist in vet internal medicine from places and sites like www.sunnymeadvet.com is a licensed veterinarian who has obtained further training in understanding how your pet’s inner body systems function and recognizing and treating the myriad severe illnesses that can compromise the health of those systems.
A specialist in internal medicine has acquired further training in the following areas:
Infectious Diseases
Respiratory Disorders
Hematology (study of the blood)
Why do I need to consult a veterinary internal medicine specialist for my pet?
Just as your primary care physician may occasionally refer you to a specialist, your general practitioner veterinarian may determine that your pet needs the assistance of a specialist to help diagnose or treat a complex medical issue. While your available practitioner veterinarian, like human medicine, may manage many aspects of your pet’s care, there are times when a specialist is required. You can put your trust in a veterinarian who knows when to send you and your pet for more specialized diagnostic or treatment work, as well as one who is compassionate and dedicated to providing your pet the finest care possible.
While your veterinarian may be able to consult with a specialist about your pet’s care in certain cases, in others, it may be necessary to refer you and your pet to a specialist for a more advanced diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, board-certified veterinary internists may have access to sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that general practitioner veterinarians do not.
In what situations does a veterinary internal medicine specialist intervene?
Board-certified internal medicine specialists are trained to detect and treat the most serious diseases and health issues that affect dogs. Furthermore, they are uniquely prepared to care for pets who may be suffering from a variety of health concerns. Improved veterinary treatment is extending the lifespan of pets. As a result, a rising number of older pets, like senior humans, are dealing with a variety of illnesses that can be extremely difficult to manage. For example, a cat diagnosed with diabetes may also have renal failure, and a dog diagnosed with heart failure may also have cancer. If you wish to learn about vet surgery, click this link.
Internal medicine experts are uniquely prepared to manage these challenging disorders. In other cases, a younger animal may have previously thought to be an incurable problem but is now treatable, if not curable.
Will my regular veterinarian remain involved?
Often, your regular veterinarian will continue to supervise your pet’s veterinary therapy, especially if your pet has many disease states or illnesses or simply needs veterinary dentistry. In some cases, your referring veterinarian will be in charge of the majority of your pet’s medical care. It is determined by your pet’s individual disease and health issues.
The general practitioner veterinarian is also a board-certified internal medicine specialist in many veterinary practices. On the other hand, general practice veterinarians are highly educated medical professionals who must maintain their licensure throughout their careers. When a specialist is needed, they are only a phone call or visit away.